DOUBLE Reward Week has Started!
by Greg van der Spuy
Oct 20, 2021

SPECIAL Layer 2 Surprise LP Reward!
We actually have a major surprise reward for everyone this week:
We are distributing 720 Layer 2 XBF gov tokens (that is ±6% of layer 2 circulating distribution) to our staked XBE-ETH Sushi Liquidity Providers leading up to Hive launch
In parallel to preparing for our Hive launch – we are excited with the progress on the XBF Hive for our Layer 2 Launch.

XBE Stakers also get MORE
To thank the amazing lock-up of over 7,000 XBE the reward APR for staking and locking is going to range between 90% – 230% leading up to Hive Launch!

We believe this will be a MASSIVE incentive for users to lock-up their tokens for veXBE in preparation of the upcoming Hive launch, and of course the Surprise Layer 2 SNAPSHOT that will take place 24 hours after Hive is announced.

It’s Almost Hive Time!
We are ecstatic with the progress on Hive testing – and the deployment of final smart contract updates following the Peckshield Audit received this Monday is going out on mainnet tomorrow.

Once they’ve audited our live contracts… Well you all know the drill by now We always wait for the auditors to give the ok!
Keeping Track of the 720 XBF Gov Token Rewards for Staked Sushi LP
We are tracking ONLY staked LP tokens during this week for the 720 XBF Gov Token reward program for Sushi LP Providers, so ensure you have staked your LP tokens in the correct NEW reward contract on the official app UI!
Looking forward to an amazing week with you all.